"Superman Superstars" continues with an unforgettable tale about Superman's greatest gift to the world...hope. Major Disaster returns to Metropolis and his old ways much to the dismay of the Man of Steel. Can his alter ego Clark Kent discover the reason behind this villain's decline back into the world of crime?
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"Superman Superstars" continues with an unforgettable tale about Superman's greatest gift to the world...hope. Major Disaster returns to Metropolis and his old ways much to the dismay of the Man of Steel. Can his alter ego Clark Kent discover the reason behind this villain's decline back into the world of crime?
Price: $5.99
"Superman Superstars" continues with an unforgettable tale about Superman's greatest gift to the world...hope. Major Disaster returns to Metropolis and his old ways much to the dismay of the Man of Steel. Can his alter ego Clark Kent discover the reason behind this villain's decline back into the world of crime?
Price: $5.99
THE BLOODY MYSTERY UNFOLDS! Batman's run-in with the horri?c Asema has left him questioning everything. Who is Asema, how does she know Bruce Wayne, and for what foul purpose is she draining the blood of young men across the city? To find the answers to these burning questions, the World's Greatest Detective must plunge into the darkest corners of his city and his psyche. The very foundation of the Dark Knight is beginning to crack--can he solve this mystery before it crumbles completely?
Price: $4.99
THE BLOODY MYSTERY UNFOLDS! Batman's run-in with the horri?c Asema has left him questioning everything. Who is Asema, how does she know Bruce Wayne, and for what foul purpose is she draining the blood of young men across the city? To find the answers to these burning questions, the World's Greatest Detective must plunge into the darkest corners of his city and his psyche. The very foundation of the Dark Knight is beginning to crack--can he solve this mystery before it crumbles completely?
Price: $5.99
THE BLOODY MYSTERY UNFOLDS! Batman's run-in with the horri?c Asema has left him questioning everything. Who is Asema, how does she know Bruce Wayne, and for what foul purpose is she draining the blood of young men across the city? To find the answers to these burning questions, the World's Greatest Detective must plunge into the darkest corners of his city and his psyche. The very foundation of the Dark Knight is beginning to crack--can he solve this mystery before it crumbles completely?
Price: $5.99
THE BLOODY MYSTERY UNFOLDS! Batman's run-in with the horri?c Asema has left him questioning everything. Who is Asema, how does she know Bruce Wayne, and for what foul purpose is she draining the blood of young men across the city? To find the answers to these burning questions, the World's Greatest Detective must plunge into the darkest corners of his city and his psyche. The very foundation of the Dark Knight is beginning to crack--can he solve this mystery before it crumbles completely?
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WILL CASS AND LADY SHIVA OUT RUN THE UNBURIED? The train ride out of Gotham proves more difficult than expected for Cass and Lady Shiva as dangerous new players enter the field. With the Unburied still hot on their trail--and seeking blood--can Batgirl actually trust her mother? Or will it lead to her certain death...?
Price: $3.99
WILL CASS AND LADY SHIVA OUT RUN THE UNBURIED? The train ride out of Gotham proves more difficult than expected for Cass and Lady Shiva as dangerous new players enter the field. With the Unburied still hot on their trail--and seeking blood--can Batgirl actually trust her mother? Or will it lead to her certain death...?
Price: $4.99
BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE! As Selina dances her way through devils and the damned at a Dante's Divine Comedy-themed party, a tale of pain and woe unfolds in Stockholm. There, Catwoman will find the first of her prizes as she does battle against the people after her head. By the end, Catwoman will find herself in a literal inferno of her own making!
Price: $3.99